TThe Last
Princess (2016) was released in Australia on 22 Sep. This Korean film tells the
story of Princess Deokhye, last Princess of the Joseon Dynasty. The film is
directed by Hur Jin-ho, and based on a novel by Kwon Bi-Young. The film starts
off in 1961 as a journalist Kim Jang-han played by Park Hae-il going to Japan
in search of Princess Deokhye, then it flashback to 1919 when the Princess
is a child, when time Korea is part of Japanese Empire.
The Princess father dies suddenly,
and story pick as Deokhye as an aged 13 in 1925, where she is force to leave
Korea and go to Japan. Then bulk of the story about adult Deokhye and her
struggle to get back to Korea played by the beautiful Son Ye-jin.
The film is beautifully made that
captures the era of the period, the politics of the Korean Independent
movement, the film weaves the tale of historical and fiction with a
running time 127 minutes did not feel that long, as the story hooks you
in. For the second time this year a film took my emotion. There some really
funny moments in the film to break up the tense of the film.
All the
actors brought to the film real powerful performances. Park Hae-il as our fictional
hero Kim Jang-han just wants to protect princess and bring her back to
Korea. To the three actresses who the
princess in the three stages of her life; as a child, Shin-Rin-ah she just so
cute, as a teen Australian born, Kim So-hyun gives a delightful and defiance
against the rule of Japanese. As for Son Ye-jin shows her struggles as a young
woman slowly breaking down to an aged princess just amazing. Those in the
cinema shed tears at same point of the film.
And for
Yoon Je-moon who plays Hans Taek-soo as pro-Japanese minister creates most
vicious cruel character I have seen on screen.
It’s best dramatic
film I seen in years and go see the film before ends. I'm hoping that will get
a DVD release in the future or showing on SBS.
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