Tuesday 12 January 2016

The Flaxton Boys Series One DVD Review #2

The Flaxton Boys was a series I grew up with was made in 1969, was not shown in Australia until 1970 in b/w. Later in repeats in colour in the late 70's. It has been on those programmes you long for to come to DVD. The Flaxton Boys was set in four different eras. The first series is in 1854 time of the Crimean war. Young boy, Johathan Flaxton inherit Flaxton Hall in Yorkshire, along with his mother and servant,Nathan. His father is missing the war.
 Johathan meets Archie Weeks, a Sweep apprentice who join the household There is a rumor that is a hidden fortune in the hall not only are the boys are looking for it that could save them, also others, such as evil Sir Peregrine Stilgoe from Stilgoe Lodge. Who will find the fortune first?

This two  DVD set is the complete 13 episodes all in colour. Interesting note is the actors who appeared in the series, Archie Weeks is played Peter Firth (who known today as Harry in Spooks),
Milton Johns (Dr who-Enemy of the World, Invasion of Time & Androids Invasion) and Paul Darrow.

The DVD is released by Network (UK) in 2015, the picture quality in some episodes can vary to to due nature of the material, overall quality is very good, Sound is wonderful. Only extra is picture gallery.
For anyone who interested in wonderful  British children drama no place to start with this series.

Note: episode one of series is only on Look-Back on 70's Telly-issue 4 (I will review at later date)

I brought this at Network during a sale. You can only buy this in the UK-
from Amazon.UK price is 10:00 pounds, on Networkonair web site is 12:24 pounds.


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