Sunday 22 December 2013

Christmas Feeling

Early this morning, I could not sleep, I knew why. Since I had reached the age 50 some three years ago have been doing looking back on my life. My mind was thinking about how  my family think of Christmas, the  year was 1977, we just spent Christmas day in Royal Perth with Mum, she was dying of cancer, Mum was a large lady, but the cancer was eating her whole, we knew it was a matter of time.  Mum just made thru that day. at 6am on Boxing day we got a phone call, we rush to Royal Perth, we were all there seeing Mum taking her last breath of life, she knew that we were there, and she smile, then pass away. Dad, my sister & brother all burst into tears, I did not, I was quiet and had my head down, all I was thinking, we all need to focus.  My sister I understand these days, (I don't see her much at all, last time I saw her was three years ago when Dad was dying in Royal Perth.) She works on Christmas  & Boxing day (I could be wrong), as for my brother I really don't know, again last time I spoke him was three years.
I guess, today I really don't understand them, nor do I care about them, because I have another family, that are truly caring, then close friends who also now are family.

End of post.

Monday 16 December 2013

First Blog

Hi everyone, this is my first blog, I'm hoping I will be able to keep this going with my thoughts of my interests in Films & TV reviews. Maybe later on those stories that are floating in my head will come out, it could be only way these stories will come light of day. I try my hardest to write stories, but with my dyslexia they are hard to read, for those trying make sense.